forumRing (15K)

About Us

The Dreamweaver Club started as a Yahoo Group back in Aug 10, 1999. It got increasingly popular, and in March 2004 got moved to it's own domain, dreamweaverclub.com.

The site is now a living community of Dreamweaver enthusiasts with a wide range of interests and capabilities

We publish tutorials, including video tutorials, template downloads, and a very popular forum

Submitting content

Tutorials and articles are most welcome. There's some great benefits of submitting:

  1. New Articles/tutorials are featured on the homepage, and will stay listed on the homepage until there enough new articles to bump it off the homepage.(10 items)
  2. Each article comes with a little author bio box. This is great both marketing and SEO wise.
  3. We also try to submit new content to directories that are appropiate.

The requirements for publishing your work:

  1. It has to be your (intellectual) property.
  2. We need exclusive right to publish it the first month, after that feel free to publish it anywhere.
  3. It has to be approved by the website administrator. If, for any reason, it's not published on the website, there won't be any claim to any rights for.

Contact contact@dreamweaverclub.com for further information.